Ludo King APK is a platform where you can play multiplayer Ludo games. This game has the same interface as of offline cardboard Ludo game. This game is a cross-platform multiplayer game that supports different devices that are based on android, windows, and IOS. You can play with anyone on different devices. The game also comes with two modes – offline and online mode. In this, you can play with bot players in offline mode and with real players in online mode.
In Ludo King maximum of six players can play at a time in local mode and a maximum of 4 players in online mode. This game has two gaming modes one is Ludo and another one is Snake and Ladder game. Every time you play snake and ladder games you see a different path to reach the final destination. This Dice game is popular all over the world. This app has more than 300M+ downloads on all platforms and it has 4.3 ratings on Google Play Store.
In this era, everyone has played Ludo at least a single time in their life span and everyone knows about it. We have played this game on cardboard in our childhood. This game is easy to play. You have to roll the dice and start moving your token according to the number on the dice. The one who reaches all four tokens to the final area ‘wins’ and others are positioned according to the time they have taken to reach the final goal. You can also cut the path of your opponent by placing your token above the opponent’s token. Also, have a look on more board games like Ludo Star 2 APK, and Monopoly APK.
What’s great in Ludo King APK:
- Actual conversation with friends and friends
- Make friends worldwide
- Challenge friends and buddies on Facebook
- Save or Load Ludo game according to your choice
- Player data with XP and level up system
- Ludo King is more user-friendly UI
- Support extended to the low-end device
Ludo has the same rules as it was earlier in the old era. Everything is made so precisely to maintain the decorum of the game. Ludo King is an old historical game. It is played by many people in the old era. We use to play this game in our childhood. This game is a fun-loving game. You can play this game anytime whenever you are free. You can say that this is a mood-changer game.
New Game Themes
Nature Theme
Egypt Theme
Disco / Night mode Theme
Pinball Theme
Candy Theme
Christmas Theme
Features of Ludo King APK:

- Ludo is a multiplayer game in which you can play with a maximum of six players at a time.
- At some point, if you don’t have internet connectivity. You can play this game in offline mode with a computer.
- You can play with anyone all around the world. Play with strangers or friends in online mode. You can share the link or code so that your friends can join your lobby.
- It’s easy to add your friends to your lobby. You can share the link or code so that your friends can join your lobby. You can also add your friends from Facebook for quick joining.
- Also, You can chat with your friends and buddies in a private chat to interact with them while playing.
- This game has a nice interface and good graphics. It looks like a real Ludo game.
- In Snake and Ladders, you can play it on different gameboards. Every time you start a new game you see a new gameboard.
Final Words:
Ludo King is a Multi-Player game played between 2 to 4 players at a time.
Ludo is an old game, earlier which we use to play on paper board. It is a fun game. Now you all have an opportunity to play Ludo on your phones without any hustle. This game provides you with the same interface as it was on a paper board game. As to knowing which game is best on the internet, just go for Ludo King.
If you want to play this great game. Go and download the game from the link given below. Don’t forget to download the Background Eraser APK.